To vigorously carry forward the spirit ofthe May 4th movement, adequately arousing the youthful enthusiasm and passion fordedication of the Affiliated Hospital’s youth, promoting positive energy andspreading grace of civilization, the Youth League Committee of ZMPC AffiliatedHospital organized the young volunteers to conduct volunteering serviceactivities on May 4th, celebrating the arrival of the May-4thYouth Day in a special way.
The young volunteers, who wore ribbons,arms with armbands, and red hats on their heads, were actively working outsidethe hospital building, in the outpatient hall, the corridor of the in-patientdepartment, the intersections of the courtyard and the various medical clinics.Some guided the patients to go to see a doctor, some guiding the patients toqueue in the line, helping the patients make an appointment to treat theirdiseases, checking their balance and offering timely help if they needed; someactively made ward rounds to see whether or nor the patients had an unexpectedoccurrence; some persuaded those uncivilized phenomena around, such asdisorderly parking, littering, spitting and smoking in public places; somecleaned the courtyard with brooms, picked up cigarette ends with tongs, andeliminated the weeds with spades.
Youth volunteers actively andenthusiastically offered a full-range volunteering service for patients, andmade efforts to create a good medical environment for them, deeply implementingthe volunteering spirit of ‘ following moral rules and advocatingrighteousness, with everyone being volunteers’ into practice, which received consistenthigh appreciation from the general public.
Translated by Cao Juan