On June 8th, in the afternoon, committeemembers of the school’s labor union, chairman of each division labor union gatheredand held the year 2017thlabor union members of committee (expanded)meeting in Room 611 of the Young Teachers’ Apartment(the school’s currentadministration building). Vice president of the school’s labor union, Wang Mei,chaired the meeting.
The meeting has carried on the detailed workarrangement and deployment on the preparation of the 5thmeeting,the 2ndZMPC Staff Representatives Conference as well as hosting asquare dance competition among staff members. Still, the meeting has stressedthat the scope of worker s’ funeral condolence has had adjustments and otherrelated matters. At the same time, the leaders encourage each division laborunion to organize and arrange activities concerned according to this year'swork plan.
Translated by Cao Juan