To give fullattention for the healthy growth of children in our school’spoverty-alleviation contact villages and ensure that they would be able toenjoy a happy Children's Day, on June 1st, the deputy secretary of the school’sparty committee, Zhang Wuxiao, led representatives of the school’s firstadministration party branch to Wenjiaba Elementary School, which lies in VillageWenjiaba, Town Dalian of County Daozhen, to extend the deepest regards forthose left-behind children.
SecretaryZhang Wuxiao and his entourage (the people following him) visited sixleft-behind children in Wenjiaba Elementary School, offering the children bags,stationeries, table tennis pats, milk and other holiday gifts and encouragingthem to respect teachers, unite classmates, study hard, love the society andreturn to our parents, teachers and society with excellent performance. Then,secretary Zhang had got detailed information about the poverty situation of thevillage according to introduction by the village branch secretary as well asZMPC’s cadre stationed in this village and sent rice and cooking oil to twopoor households in the village after that.
SecretaryZhang Wuxiao pointed out that our school’s cadre stationed in the villageshould further raise his awareness, fully understand and grasp the nation’sprecision aid-the-poor policies and strategies, go deep into the front-line ofthe help-the-poor work and truly implement the rule of "know the real poorby heart, help the poor with heart-felt feelings and help the real poor withfull force". Still, he expressed that in the future, we would continuecaring for the left-behind children, do our best to solve their practicaldifficulties so that they could grow up healthily in the care of all parties.
Translatedby Cao Juan