On the 18thof October , the faculty of the Zunyi Medical and Pharmaceutical College watched the uplifting Opening Ceremony of the 19thCPC National Congress with the National Anthem.
The Opening Ceremony of the 19thCPC National Congress was held in the People's Great Hall.The president Xi Jinping on behalf ofthe18thCentral Committee delivered a report named“To build prosperous society in all respects and to win the Soci1alism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era”whose theme is“Never forget why you started, and you can accomplish your mission”.
The report by president Xi lasted 3 hours, in the highlights of his speech, our faculty even couldn’t help applauding over and over again. When the report pointed out“make the education the top priority”, a surge of emotion surged in our blood and we discussed with greatenthusiasm.
After the ceremony, two teachers of our college expressedtheirfeelings.Both of them felt very proud of our country and was looking forward to the future of our country of a new ear.And all the faculty will study more about the report by president Xi and will finally practice its spirit into practice.