On December 17th, 2018, ZMPC convened the“Province High-Quality College Construction Conference”in Room 737 of the college administrative building. Chaired by the vice president Feng Chunlin, the conference was joined by the staffs of thePublicity Department, the Human Resources Department and the Excellence-Creating Office as well as leaders from the Discipline InspectionCommission.
On the conference, Liu Liang, the deputy director of the Teaching Affairs Office, explained the objects and tasks should be done for the province high-quality college construction. People who joined the conferenceanalyzedand discussed the ideas given by experts, and worked on the further steps of the construction. They went over the goals achieved and made a brief conclusion, and then reached an agreement on theplansfor the next stage.
President Fan Qiyuan indicated in his speech that constructing a high-quality college was achallengingtask for ZMPC but it was now or never. Everybody must work hand-in hand and do everything by the book to make progress every day.
The PartysecretarySun Zhu claimed that the staff of ZMPC should catch the opportunity to create a real high-quality college for further developments. First, remember your goal and stay true to your mission, and show your honesty and capability; second, draw up a plan carefully and carried it out with responsibility, and make sure that everybody shall do his duty.