In order to standardize the operation ofZMPC’sstoresand supervise the implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures and safety productionrequests, on March 21, 2022, Liu Lianqiu, deputy director of thelogisticsmanagementoffice, ledhiscomrades of theofficeto conduct a comprehensive safety inspection of thecollege stores. Persons in chargesof thecollege security department joined in the inspection.
Liu and hiscomrades checked the stores’security worksfrom the aspects of electricity safety on the facade, epidemic prevention and control measures, standardizing business scope, ensuring food quality, prohibiting the sale of controlled knives, improving firefighting facilities, and prohibiting road occupation, etc.A total of 15 college storeshave been checked andsome would berectified within a time limit. Store managers were asked to sign a statement promising to fulfil all the secutiry works and preparing for the next check.
“Safety is no small matter.”saidLiu.The standardized operation of thecollegestores was related to the food and personal safety of the teachers and students. Thecollegestore managers should cooperate with thesecuitydepartmentsto ensure thetheimplementationof epidemic prevention and controlas well as thesecurity works, and providetheteachers and students with safe and high-quality services.