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ZMPC Holds Scientific Popularization and Propaganda Activities on World Tuberculosis Day
2019-03-26 13:36   This Web Site

March 24, 2019 is the 24th World Tuberculosis Day. The theme of the event is "Launching Actions to End Tuberculosis and Mutually Building and Sharing Healthy China".

On the World Tuberculosis Day, under the care and guidance of the school leaders, the Logistics Administration department, in cooperation with the medical clinic, carried out various forms of publicity and education activities in accordance with the National, Provincial and Municipal requirements onThe Standards of School Tuberculosis Preventionand Control (2017) and the spirit of Document No. 76 issued by Zunyi Municipal Health Planning Office, in combination with the actual situation of ZMPC and the psychological characteristics of the students.

In the activities, theorganizing partypropagatedTuberculosis’s (TB’s)basic knowledge, transmission routes, preventive measures and humanistic care through photo exhibitions, posters, brochures, campus broadcasts and thematic class meetings. At the same time, tuberculosis counseling activities were carried out to provide patient and meticulous answers to students'concernsabout TB, such as the length of time off school (orreturn to school), adverse reactions during medication, whether free treatmentwill be offered or not, so as to help students establish the determination of "prevention and control ofTB, everyone's responsibility" and foster a civilized and healthy lifestyle. A total of 7972 publicity materials were distributed in theactivity, such as health prescriptions forTB, brochures, folders and so on. The awareness rate of health education forTBpreventionof ZMPCreached 100%.

The publicityactivityraised teachers and students’awarenesson the importance ofTBprevention and control, and made the majority of teachers and students realize thatTB, which can bepreventable and curable,is not terrible.Thus the aim of propaganda forTBprevention and control has been achieved.

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